Chris Zielinski

Chris Zielinski image

Zbys Fedorowicz image

Zbys Fedorowicz

Najeeb Al-Shorbaji image

Najeeb Al-Shorbaji

Marion Motari image

Marion Motari

Rocio Sanz image

Rocio Sanz

Chris has held senior positions at WHO and other UN organizations for over 20 years, in Vienna, Geneva, Rome, Egypt, India, Zimbabwe and the Congo. He has also been CEO of the Authors Licensing and Collecting Society – the collecting/copyright society  for British authors – and has held a number of honorary, elected and titular appointments related to intellectual property, and ethics. Chris is a Visiting Fellow at the University of Winchester (UK), where he leads the Phi programme. His academic work is on knowledge management theory and information indicators. He carries out consultancies in the areas of evaluation, policy, strategy, knowledge management, networks, partnerships, copyright, and ethics.